
Understanding 498-A.before filing:

One should be very cautious of using this 498-A, as this is pretty much similar to Nuclear Bomb, if exploded it will ruin both the families. Generally women files case 498-A against husband and in-laws at the advice of their close relatives and parents, without knowing the consequences of the same.
It is becoming trend, that Husband should live as Wife wants. Husband should behave as Wife wants. Husband should do as Wife wants. If husband does not listen, then wife will take help of parents / relatives / friends and proceed to file for 498-A. There are genuine cases where Wife should opt for 498-A but In most of the cases it is also observed that on every small issue Wife filed 498-A on husband such as:

Common reasons for filing 498a

1. Husband wants his wife to cook at home but wife does not like to cook.
2. Husband wants the home should be kept clean but Wife does not want as she is lazy.
3. Husband wants his Wife to take care of his old aged parents, whereas Wife does not want Husband old aged parents.
4. Husband wants to take care of his old aged parents but Wife asked to choose either his old parents or her.
5. Husband would like to give some money on monthly basis for his old aged parents but Wife does not want.
6. Husband would like to keep in touch with relatives but Wife does not like and asked to cut-off all relatives.
7. Husband is a normal income guy but Wife wants luxurious life.
8. Wife wants to buy most of the things what neighbors have but husband cannot offered.
9. Husband does not like his Wife to visit one of her relative who creates problem in his family / who misleads his wife. Wife and her parents will do exactly opposite to the will and wish against husband and threatens to file police complaint.
10. Wife would like to stay at her parents’ home as long as she wants and Husband should not question her.
Issues will go into volumes if I start writing here but the summary is that for every small issue filing 498-A, or threatening with 498-A is not good, this may spoil entire life.

Life after filing 498-A for women / wife :

Wife and her parents should know the following facts:

1. That, no marriage can goes smooth with 498-A threatening or any kind of threatening.
2. That, divorce / Lifelong separation is guaranteed after filing 498-A. No husband would like to consider his Wife after dragging to police station and getting arrested.
3. That, no one will marry a women who filed 498-A ,or no one will marry women if anyone in his family is involved in 498-A.
4. That, women’s brothers and sisters will never get married.
5. That, if kids are there, they will get mentally disturbed and lose their child hood which they can never get back to enjoy their child hood with father.
6. Women can be charged under the following sections if they file false case:
a. IPC Sec. 182. False information, with intent to cause public servant to use his lawful power to the injury of another person.-- Whoever gives to any public servant any information which he knows or believes to be false, intending thereby to cause, or knowing it to be likely that he will thereby cause such public servant-
(a) to do or omit anything which such public servant ought not to do or omit if the true state of facts respecting which such information is given were known by him, or
(b) to use the lawful power of such public servant to the injury or annoyance of any person, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees, or with both.
b. IPC Sec. 191. For giving false evidence.
c. IPC Sec. 192. For fabricating false evidence.
d. IPC Sec. 193. Punishment for false evidence.
e. IPC Sec. 195. Giving or fabricating false evidence with intent to procure conviction of offence punishable with imprisonment for life or imprisonment.
f. IPC Sec. 196. Using evidence known to be false.
g. IPC Sec. 197. False statement made in declaration which is by law considered as evidence.
h. IPC Sec. 200. Using as true such declaration knowing to be false.
i. IPC Sec. 209. Dishonestly making false claim in Court.
j. IPC Sec. 211. False charge of offence made with intent to injure.
7. Acquittal in 498-A, is a concrete ground for Divorce, which proves mental cruelty.

NOTE: 498-A, will provide short term joy for wife and their parents but in fact it’s a long term suffering.